Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas From Art Paw!

My Big Tommy From a couple of years ago.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well today I am officially saying I am closed for the holidays. I will still check in on e-mail once a day and send off Gift certs that get ordered, but I am done with pushing pixels around for a week or so.  I may do a few blog posts, but for the most part I want to be reading books, going to museums and listening to music.

Next week I am going to dust off my mosaic nippers and start on some new glass projects, or maybe just finish some old ones.  I need a break from the digital art for a week or so and I need to rest. I am really excited about 2011.

I hope you guys are all planning for a restful and creative Holiday!


  1. Merry Christmas to you to.

    Lovely photo of Big Tommy. I really enjoyed sending the cards of him to the special people in my life - I kept one for me though.

  2. hi rebecca!
    Merry Merry christmas to all of you!

    m & e
