Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Weimaraner Art

"Heidi and Fritz" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /

This project of Heidi & Fritz will ship out tomorrow. These cute Weims are the 2nd pet portrait project for this client. Pet people are the best. A large majority of my clients come back for more portraits because well, we all have so many pets and you can't leave anyone out.  Which reminds me, I have a couple of wire haired fox terrier portraits that need to happen very soon.  I have not yet done any artwork of our new puppy.

About the Art:
The proof shown here is one of the wilder options that I showed my client. I added in some violet on the coats just to have a little fun with it. I usually show both a few wild bold choices and some that are just a little less bold. They went with proof number 20, which has some bold coloring in the background but a little less color on the pups.  I really enjoyed playing with these two. The original photo was excellent to start with.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Love the pic of my Heidi and Fritzy! It hangs right next to Haley Quinn.
