Wednesday, January 04, 2012

One artist's Resolutions

 It is that time of year again,  do I set goals, make resolutions or just list last year's accomplishments? I have never been big on New Years resolutions, but I will make a stab at it this year when it comes to the things I want to do as an artist.

My 12 Art resolutions for 2012:
#1 Take art classes outside of my main areas of mosaic and digital art.
#2 See more art. I saw a lot of art in 2011, but I plan to see even more in 2012.
#3 Offer better support to my partner in his creative pursuits
#4 Renew membership to the Dallas Museum
#5 Focus on process and let the meaning take care of itself. Last year I was very focused on meaning in my work and this year I want to return to a greater emphasis on process and experimentation.
#6 Enter at least one show per quarter
#7 READ. Read the pretty art books on my bookshelves, read artist biographies, read the info cards at museum shows... read read read.
#8 Draw, and keep a sketch book again.
#9 Create a mosaic portfolio book via blurb
#10 Update my fine art portfolio website
#11 Take more time to acknowledge the many people that support me in my work.
#12 Keep working on finding a healthy balance between portrait commissions and the personal work I do. Both are important and both feed my soul.

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