Friday, March 02, 2012

Flashback Friday/ My First Dog

Me and Pokey
This is me with my first pup Pokey, a sweet Beagle girl named after Pocahontas. I love these old printed snapshots, this one had a tear off portion for your wallet. Notice the dog house ... our pets lived in the backyard growing up, and that was normal back then.  Danny and I would never dream of leaving a pup outside overnight or even when we run to the grocery store. My Dad still has outside dogs, each to their own I guess, he treats them well and he sees after their vet needs, I know he really cares for them.  I am just so glad we were allowed to have pets growing up.

I love the double exposure shot above of Pokey & my Dad. Back in the old days of film you often would get to the end of the roll and if you kept shooting or there was a rewind mistake you could end up with a double exposure like the image above. Sometimes artsy photographers would shoot double exposures on purpose for interesting effects. If you do a google image search for Double Exposure Photography you will find some cool stuff. These days I do not know how you would be able to tell a real film double exposure from clever Photoshop effects, I suppose an old school photographer could tell the difference.

1 comment:

  1. How cool! I'm remembering what t was like to shoot photos on actual FILM! Ah, old pets... I'm in reminisce mode now too. Thanks for the memories!
