Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Doggy Portraits

Working hard this week, trying to get a lot of clients proofed. Here are just a few from the week. I have 3 revisions to do and one more new portrait to create, then next week I get to play with a Wire Hair Fox Terrier portrait. I am excited about all of the work we have in-house right now.

"Moses" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins/
This golden doodle is adorable. His eye to our left was hidden so I created one that would show. Soon I will try and post a video tutorial on how to do that.

"Guiness" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins/
Guiness was such a pretty boy. I had a nice conversation with my client about this special guy. I hope I have captured him well.
"Georgia" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins/
Georgia shipped out today. I love working on pugs and we do not get many black pugs in ... they are a bit rare compared to the fawn pugs.

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