Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Portraits in the works

Today I proofed Maximus the Westie and sweet Sterling. May has been rather slow with only 10 projects proofed so far and 2 of those are personal gifts on my part. I guess next week I need to get back to the marketing part of my job. I do have 3 lovely smushed faced pups lined up to work on and I am excited about them.
"Maximus & Mona" ... what a cutie pie!
© rebecca collins /

"Sterling" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /
The pattern on the above background was created from a snapshot that I took in Galveston of a little Mom and Pop hardware store. I was really drawn to the free standing building that this old fashion hardware store was in. I knew if I shot the wall texture it might make an interesting ground pattern. I really view all of my vacations as working trips in a sense because artists need to fill the well with new ideas and new imagery.  Maybe some day I will take a trip and not think about art, not pop into a gallery or museum, not see color at every turn .... and then again I really doubt it.

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