Friday, August 17, 2012

Sketch My Pet Contest

I am in the mood to draw and experiment this month and I am having a contest over at Facebook. I will be doing Wacom Sketches of 20 pets. I have decided that 10 of the winners will be based on vote count and 10 winners will be just based on photo quality and my own personal whims. 

Click here to Enter Your Pet Snapshots!

 I will be mailing out 8 x 10 prints and goody bags to all winners at the close of the contest.

• You must be a fan over on facebook to enter.
• You may vote every day and encourage your pals to vote.
• The photo you submit must be of your pet and taken by you or other non professional ( in other words no copyright protected professional photographs.)
• You understand that Art Paw holds the copyright on all artwork created from your photos.
• Your artwork may be used in marketing materials or printed book portfolios.
• Contest ends September 1st.

What is a Wacom Sketch?

A wacom sketch is a quick drawing that I create using my wacom drawing tablet and photoshop. These works are different from my standard portraits in that they are much faster, looser and there is more emphasis on line work.  You can see samples below, or check out my facebook page for some examples of winners from last week. It is not too late to enter, I am picking new winners almost every day of the week.

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© rebecca collins /

© rebecca collins /

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