Friday, September 14, 2012

Lovely German Shepherds

"Frankie & Phoebe" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins /

Sometimes clients need just a little help choosing from the many proofs I provide ( anywhere from 10 to 16).  The good news is that once they narrow their favorites down I can easily create a mock up for them of the artwork on their walls, if they can e-mail me a quick snapshot. I am usually not a fan of cell phone images for the pet photographs that I work from, but cell phones are a great tool for showing me interior shots of where the artwork will hang.  I also kind of enjoy seeing inside the lives of my 4 legged subjects... notice dog toys at bottom left of fireplace ... so cute.

This project is a large 36 x 24 for a terrific repeat client. I can not wait to see these stunning pups printed up, great original photos on this one.

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