Hey guys ... I am just a tiny bit behind on commissions, but do not freak out, I will be getting caught up this week, I can promise you that.
I proofed 34 clients in November and I still have just a handful of orders from that month to go!
So here is the low down on current proofing:
If you placed your order by 11/15, I will get you proofed by this coming Thursday 12/6.
Most orders that are this old have already been proofed and shipped, but a couple of you guys have taken a bit longer and I am working on your orders right now.
If you placed your order after 11/15, but by my holiday deadline of 11/30 I will get you proofed by this coming Sunday 12/9.
If you are just now placing your orders and trying to squeak in after my posted holiday deadlines I will do my very best to get you proofed as soon as possible after all of the November orders are completed this week. My goal is to continue proofing December clients until 12/17, at which time we will need to close out our shipping.
Please be patient and know that I am doing my best and working late nights and weekends to take care of you all of my 4 legged clients.
I'm so glad you're so busy! That's awesome!