Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Jade The Cow Dog is Hungry

I am just about caught up with orders. I am currently fine tuning Jade for a terrific repeat client in Australia. I have one more project to do for her and then I will be totally caught up with commissions from Feb. I did hear from a nice gentleman this morning that may send in a Golden Retriever for me to play with. I hope he does, I have not done many retrievers yet this year and I love their strong lines.

Below are a few proofing samples of Jade. My client wanted to see more green options in the backgrounds to match up well with her kitchen.  I went a little crazy and gave her 20 new options to choose from. I usually do not go overboard like that on revisions as it can often just make the approval process tougher, making it very hard for clients to choose. I love Sarah though, she always gives me great photos to play with and she is pretty good at knowing her favorites and drilling down to what she likes best. All 20 revision proofs can be found on my proofing site.

Oh ... and yes it is pretty wonderful and appropriate that this food bowl portrait will grace her kitchen walls ... pet people are really the best you know.  I do love it when folks send me pics that tell a story!

"Jade With Food Bowl"
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com

"Jade With Food Bowl"
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com
"Jade With Food Bowl"
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com

"Jade With Food Bowl"
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com

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