Dappled Beauty |
Yesterday I had a chemo infusion, it really is a breeze at this point. I am no longer on the really tough drug, just two maintenance drugs that keep the beast at bay. I met a lovely woman in the elevator that complimented me on my periwinkle hair. Her hair had just started coming back after her treatments and I told her it looked like it was coming in very strong. We both agreed that life is too short and we may as well have fun. She said she may do a bold color when she gets more length. I often touch up my hair right before a day at Baylor because the people there are so positive and supportive. Everyone from the patients to the Doctors totally get it.
Periwinkle |
Evie is here today stretching canvas for me and we will be shipping out a few finished projects. I have a couple of new orders to attend to and of course paperwork is always waiting for me. I will post today's orders below. Art Paw is steady right now. I should do some marketing to try and get crazy busy again, but I sort of like just being steady with work. I get to have more fun and take my time with each project in front of me.
"Maddie" © artpaw.com |
"Boo" © artpaw.com |
"Thor & Matilda" © artpaw.com |
Love the leaves, love the hair, love the art! <3