Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Buddy The Golden Retriever

"Buddy"  (see all proofs)

© 2010 Rebecca Collins /

 Original photo above

Yesterday I proofed Buddy The Golden Retriever.  Today I am going to work on Wrigley. Lola and I are also going to revisit Constant Contact and play around with the idea of starting up an e-mail newsletter again.  I let my CC account lapse last year because I just did not have time to keep up with newsletter writing. Lola is a pretty good writer so maybe between the two of us we can have a go at this newsletter thing again. If you would like to receive news about events and sales that we will be having this coming year please subscribe by using the button below. We will never send more than 1 letter per month.

For Email Marketing you can trust


  1. I Love BOTH of these! But esp the blue :-)

  2. Thanks Christine. They went with the blue too.
