Monday, January 04, 2010

Mosaic Monday/ Above my Mantle

Top Right " Love is Old Love is New" by Katrina Doran
This is a mosaic piece by my teacher. I bought it for Dan as an anniversary gift.

So what's above your mantle? 

Reading from left to right on the wall: Original print by Paul Klee, Antique Japanese woodblock print by Hirosada, Mosaic by Katrina Doran, Turtle God by Jeff Soto.
On the Mantle itself:  Unfinished Beetle mosaic by me, Rebecca Collins, Day of the Dead Scottie by me, Vintage wooden Scottie, Buddah, another vintage metal Scottie and a ceramic bowl by Linda Gossett.

This Christmas I bought a bit of art by other artists and so did my husband.   How will you support other artists in 2010?  Purchasing art seems to be the most direct method and yet there are many other ways to support your favorite artists.  I ask the question because I am still trying to answer it for myself. I know I want to get inside some artist studios and do some video interviews that I will post on the web. Interviewing local people and promoting them with video seems like a fun idea.


  1. Excellent!!! When you find out let me know. I'm working on trade with several artist but there has to be other ways.

  2. Love your mantle Rebecca! You have wonderful pieces! I love to purchase works by other artists. I feeds my soul!
    Your video interview idea is terrific.... can't wait to see them!

  3. Hi Kris & Hi Manon. Thanks for stopping by. Yes I am so eager to connect with other artists locally this year. I get so much satisfaction and enjoyment from my cyber artist pals that I often forget to get out in to my own neighborhood to meet face to face with people. Hopefully this year will be abundant with creative energy and creative people.

  4. Great peek at your mantle; thanks for showing us!

    I also love to purchase from, and trade with, other artists. Recently, I've been mentoring a self-taught artist via e-mail, and I actually got to meet her on a recent trip to Florida. We had the greatest time drinking san gria and doing a lot of artspeak, and my non-artist husband was such a trooper sitting there letting us gab.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year Christine! I do love meeting web friends when traveling. Back in 08 I was lucky to get to meet up with Melissa Langer for coffee.
    Have a creative New Year girl and keep mentoring. If you ever get to Dallas give me a call.

  6. Your Hirosada is lovely,but if the room it is in receives any sunlight it will soon fade.It is a particularly nice subject and it would be a pity to loose it. It is hard to tell but it may be faded some now. Don

  7. Hi Don, actually the room it is in is pretty dark. We get some diffused sunlight, but no direct sun at all. We have a nice collection of Japanese prints and most live in flat files because of just what you are talking about.
