Thursday, January 21, 2010

More Projects In the Home

Thanks to Linda for sending us these in home shots of her artwork hanging. You guys may recall Hank from last year.  Recently we had the opportunity to do a more playful Hank with football and Turbo kitty. This client has a love for rich colors and pattern. I love how well these two 12 x 12 prints stack  in the space above the couch. Linda is local and she dropped by about a week ago to pick up her artwork in person and she brought the Scotties biscuits. My little boy Ajax was so overwhelmed and amazed that one of these "client-people"  ( that is what he calls my patrons ) brought biscuits!  After Linda left he ran into the office and rubbed his beard on the carpet while singing a happy song.  Ajax loves the "client-people", so do I ... they are the best. I hope we get to meet a lot more local clients in 2010, and Ajax hopes they bring treats.

"Hank" ( notice the drool on ball)
© 2010 Rebecca Collins /

© 2010 Rebecca Collins /


  1. Great story and beautiful art as always. I realllly love the colors on Turbo cat!!!! Gorgeous!

  2. Thanks Christine! It was such a fun afternoon.

  3. Your work is FABULOUS, Rebecca!
    I LOVE all your work!

  4. They look great together! Hank with the football is too cute! I just wanna hug that dog.

  5. hi rebecca!
    oh these are just fabulous! i love seeing all of your work.

    it is so much fun to see them hanging in your clients homes!

  6. Hi Diane, Linda & Melissa, thanks for stopping by, and for the kind praise.

  7. Anonymous9:15 AM

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