Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Bulldog Art "Otis"

"Otis" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com
Original pic was a bit dark, but terrific in every other way.
So is this English Bulldog sorta handsome or what? I am very partial to Bulldogs and went a little crazy giving my client around 17 proofs to choose from. The thing about doing a lot of art proofs ... well it is sort of like the cereal aisle at the grocery store .... more choices will not make it easy on the client. And yea, I did not mean to compare my artwork to cereal just now, but you know what  am talking about. She had a tough time, but she chose the sample above ... proof #6. I think the green & blue is a really great choice and will look good with any decor. The darker blue border draws you in to those amazing cool eyes. We will ship out on Weds.

"Otis" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com
If you are a past or current client, know that you can order additional prints of other proofs from your proofing set at a discounted rate of 50% off of normal commission prices. I can afford to offer this discount because your design time is factored into the initial order. Just give me a call if you ever need reprints.... 214-321-1150.

1 comment:

  1. The second proof is AWESOME! I love the closeup - the emphasis is really on Otis and you can just see his spunk. Gorgeous work.
