Monday, June 04, 2012

Mosaic Monday/ Mini Bubo ATC

"Mini Bubo"
3.5 x 2.5
ATC Trading card

Just grouted this little fellow tonight. He is a trading card for an upcoming ATC Happy Hour swap here in Dallas. I am still facilitating in local mosaic card swaps and this next one has been designed to be easy on everyone. For starters there is no host, we are meeting for drinks at a local bar to do our trade and instead of multiple cards we are doing a blind swap of one card in a brown bag. The card swaps are tons of fun however folks that have been playing since the start ( a little over a year ago) are getting a bit burned out on feeling the pressure to do 3 or 4 cards every few months. I thought that the one card blind swap might be a fun quick alternative to our larger card trades.

I love the ATC swaps as they keep me connected to the local mosaic community. A little over a year ago I started thinking about what I was gaining through mosaics and top on the list was a sense of community. The ATC card swaps have been a great way to stay connected to old classmates and meet new like-minded friends. Originally I tried to also keep a strong on-line trade happening however the time involved became too much for me.

Special thanks to Linda S. for her inspiration on this guy.

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