Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ginger Has A Toy

"Ginger" ( see all proofs)
© rebecca collins / artpaw.com

Ginger has a toy ... yes she does!  I love this original photograph. It makes me very happy. I was just looking at our proofing site and discovered that I have done 11 pet portrait proofs so far this month. Today is the 11th, so I guess that means I am sort of busy ...YAY!

I am working on client updates and only have 2 to go before I am totally caught up with commissions. Who wants to send in an order tonight and make me eat those words?


  1. Awe... it is a happy photo and painting. Ginger looks so very sweet!

  2. She is a gorgeous girl and I love seeing her fun and playful side. Well done, Rebecca!
