Saturday, May 08, 2010

Mermaid and Octopus Opening Tonight

Some of you may recall the octopus mosaic I was working on these last couple of months. Well I finally finished it and the show opening is tonight. I would love to post a pic of my finished work, but I forgot to do a good shot of it before I delivered. I will be sure and take some shots tonight at the show.

For now I will post a few wonderful pieces by various artists below the show details.

Norwood Flynn Gallery
3318 Shorecrest Drive
Dallas, Texas 75235

Opening Reception: Tonight May 8, 2010 6 - 8PM
Exhibition dates: May 8 – 22, 2010

 ©2010  Linda Noland

© 2010 Dan Collins


  1. Can't wait to see your finished piece! Have fun tonight and yes, do take pics :)

  2. Thanks Christine! I will do some gallery shots tonight. There are many mosaics in the show, I will try to shoot a lot and upload to flickr.

  3. Good luck at the show; it looks like it is going to be a fun one!

  4. I am so excited for you!
    Post pics!!!

    I posted on my blog about the show. I so need to get involved in this. :)

  5. Thanks Eve! I will post pics today from show over at flickr.
