Almost every portrait artist carving out a space on the web has a page dedicated to taking good pet photos because the better our clients are at capturing their pet the easier it will be for us to translate that into great art. Our own page at Art Paw has some tips that are specific for our needs, but it is over due for a revamp. I decided to scour the web and find out what others are saying about fetching the best shot, or shall we say snapping a fetching shot.
Celebrity photographer Chris Ameruoso says take lots of photos and be bold.
Check out the New York Institute of Photography's tips. They suggest you get inside your pet's brain.
Michael Russell has some good advice and I love his suggestion to exercise your dog before a photo shoot.
Adobe.com has a really great education page for kids on taking digital photos of pets and then playing with them in Photoshop elements to create a collage. I love this satement: " Taking pictures of a favorite pet is more than just an act of love and affection. It gives students the opportunity to study animal behavior, particularly their interaction with humans."
And on that note I am off to study my own canine's animal behavior. In my next post I will discuss photo hosting sites.
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