As a portrait artist my favorite aspect of my subjects is of course the eyes. Working from ordinary snapshots I often face challenges with glow eyes, and even non glow eyes that just don't quite show off how adorable a pup might be. A recent project that we will be finalizing this weekend is one such example. In the case of Miss Ella the original snapshot was very nice, and the eyes showed up very well, no glow eye issues at all. This Boston Terrier pup however had a very slight sleepy expression. I thought the true nature of this sweet girl was probably one of unending curiosity ( she is a terrier after all ), and so to achieve a little of that attitude I lifted or widened her eyes just a tad. See before & after below:

By lifting those eyelids up just a little bit I was able to give her a questioning glance that I think really makes this portrait special. In the final version Ella ended up with violet highlights on a fun painterly background of oranges and reds. This piece is a 34 x 34 inch canvas print and looks pretty cool with a larger than life Ella.
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