Monday, November 10, 2008

Screech Owl Update

The update on this little boy owl is that he probably got into some poison by eating a poisoned mouse. I took him to the Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.
He had a little blood in his eye as well so he probably became disoriented and flew into something as a result of the poisoning. Check out this link for tips on what to do if you find an injured or sick bird:

By the way, it is not only wildlife that can suffer from eating a poisoned mouse. Pet owners should always avoid using any kind of harmful poisons or garden chemicals.


Archie and Melissa said...

oh rebecca!

he is so lucky you found him! poor little guy!
thank you for the information!


Manon said...

Poor boy! I hope he will recover! I'm so glad that you found him!

Kris Hundt said...

Thanks Rebecca. That is great information.