I am working on pet portrait orders today. Sneak preview of Bandit the kitty above. I hope to get a few clients proofed on Thursday. This kitty is turning out fun and I will post his artwork tomorrow. Soon I hope to get back to my doggy butt project.
What some of my friends are up to:
Moira has been busy keeping up with news of the first dog on her Obama Dog Blog.
Manon just posted a lovely new painting on her blog called "thinking of you".
Melissa is sewing up more doodles, and making nightlights.
Sheila has just opened her "through and From the Lens" 4-session, 4 week telecourse starting soon.
Christine is working on a cool patio mosaic commission.
Eve just finished a funky octopus mosaic!
Jill created a Party Animal Mosaic.
Kathy is working on Chewy the Doxie.
And How About You?
What are you working on? Do you have any fun new projects in the works? Leave us a comment and tell us what you are up to.
What gorgeous eyes that kitty has! And I can't wait to see what you're doing with the dog butts! Tnx for mentioning my project - can't wait to be done with it! :-) Christine
Hi Christine-
I often find myself jealous of you gals that are pursuing the mosaics full time. The web allows me to live vicariously through your lives. I am so excited about your outdoor commission. How cool will it be to take your family and friends by to see it when they are in town!!!!
Thanks for sending some bloggity love my way! I'm so happy to be done with that octo mosaic. :)
LOVE the portraits. The colors are FANTASTIC.
I'm in the process of redesigning my entire website, and trying to move my art from my Cafepress shop to the new Zazzle gallery, along with trying to keep up with the blog I just started.
I'm exhausted, and I just want to PLAY :)
Just found your blog (will subscribe)...I've been a fan for years!
Patti Meador
Boston Terriers and Boxers by Design www.bostonsandboxers.com
Hi Patti-
I know you, wow your site has changed a lot since I was there last. I use to bump into your terrific work all the time when I was working the CP thing a lot. Yea, Cafe Press really jumped the shark with their last greedy move. I dunno what I will do, been wanting to move away from that part of our biz model anyway ...guess now is the time.
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