The other day I received a complimentary copy if this month's issue of Somerset Studio and was delighted to see a great article on a collaborative project I was involved in last year with a group of very talented dog artists. The Dogs Rule Project was a lot of fun and there is a new project in the works that Jill is working on with a Party Animals theme. If you have not checked out any of the Somerset publications you need to pick up a copy. They are eye candy and inspiration for artists.
hi rebecca!
what a great post. i was amazed at the huge spread.
how fun!
me too! They were very generous with the ink ... yay.
So great! I want to go to Borders and find me a copy!
You should it is a great Mag in general. You will get addicted. They have tons of different types of Magazines on different subjects. The paper & print quality is top rate, very yummy to flip through. These days more and more mags are scaling back on paper quality and even magazine sizes. It is refreshing to find real gems like the Somerset Mags.
Congratulations on the project! You are very talented! I really like your art work!
Yay....Dogs Rule! The article turned out so nice....
Wow! I am just seeing this now -- I did not know about it at all. Thanks for posting about it. (I feel like the last to know!)
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