Lately I have been craving the color green. Maybe it is because it is spring in Texas and our brown lawns are starting to show a hint of the hue beneath the dead straw of winter. When you are a child or maybe a young adult on a first date you often hear the question "what is your favorite color"? My favorite colors change all the time. Right now I can't get enough of green. It is showing up in dirty muddy shades in my current work. I know that some of my clients are living with acidic yellowish greens and all of the funky, dirty green shades I adore, but too often I think my greens are not pure enough for most people. My old assitant Matt called my favorite version of green "swampy". Oh well, as long as I keep offering folks a variety of proof samples I'll keep tossing in my favorite avocado shade from time to time. Shown below are Fannie and Paris. Fannie's humans chose an orange background on their art ( it was quite nice, but not green). Paris' human has not yet decided, and I'm crossing my fingers for the green version, although the blue coated Boston may be more flattering ... I dunno. Often it just depends on the color of their couch and, as a commercial artist I really do repsect that.

1 comment:
realmente hermoso :) beautiful :D just really great ;)...can i send u a pict of my cat? :$ haha :) thanx for the picts :D are a rainbow for my eyes :D see yaa soon i will visit your blog again :D bye bye bye :D
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