I just found out through an e-mail that today is take your dog to work day. Of course every day around here is take your dog to work day. We have 3 Scotties that dutifully announce the arrival of clients, employees and mail delivery. If you find yourself in a work environment that does not honor such 4 legged work place participation you should consider ordering an Art Paw original of your pal for the office.
You will find that original pet portraits in the office are a great conversation starter with clients and besides, your pet's custom art will always make you smile when you are having a bad day.
As a side note, I tried to discover the origins of the phrase "working like a dog", and found this: "Someone asked that question here recently. Someone else answered it: basically, a sheepdog works from dawn till dusk for only room and board and affection." quoted from Phrases.org.

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