Sometimes our clients send us great photos that may have very minor quality issues that we address in
Photoshop. I feel that the most important feature on a pet is their eyes. Sometimes a little too much sun or flash photography can cause an animal's eyes to squint in an uneven manner. Miss Auburn had one wide open eye and one that was slightly smaller. My favorite tool for opening up eyes is called the
liquify tool. It is found under the filter menu. The images below show the difference this tool can make.
Original eye on right is a little squinty

Below image after using the
liquify tool

Image below shows final eyes with white dot highlights added.

Final Golden Retriever dog portrait below

Hi Rebecca,
Thanks so much for taking a look at my blog and adding a link to your site...I will definately do the same! I see you also have Linda O'neil on your list...she is sooo awesome and has been very supportive of my painting efforts lately...Anyhooo, Thanks so much for sharing this liquify technique...As a pet photographer, I often have dogs with lazy eyes and this will be something that I can really use to make my photos look better. I am a big fan of your work and Am happy to see that you now have a blog! It is always nice to find fellow artists/dog lovers out here in blog land...
Well, that Jill is too cute! Love her! Thanks too...for the photoshop tip, Rebecca...I've never used liquify. I usually just select and lighten and hand paint in the eye the way I think it should be.
By the way...The Golden painting is just amazing. Beeeeeautiful!
Have a nice weekend. :)
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