This week we finalized a Persian kitty cat named Tandy. She is a real stunning kitty, and this old girl is twenty. We have had a handful of cat portrait orders latley. I guess it is often true that whatever you are focused on is what the universe will send to you. Allison finished up a new site for us last month that is a total playground for the cat lover. Check out Cat-Quotes.com when you have time. There are puzzles to play, freebies to download and the first page is chocked full of fun Cat Quotes.

Tandy is gorgeous!!!
Nice work!!
When our Googin got very sick at 20, we never considered having a portrait done. But we sure spent a lot of time taking pictures and video-taping him. He passed away that Christmas.
On related note, I just hung some asian cat art in my dining room. Very different style, but kitties none-the-less!
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