Wow, back from vacation, and so much to catch up on.
What color is your Monday? I decided to pick this color palette to start the week with because I need all the energy I can muster. This month I want to start discussing the elements of design, spending a week or so on each element. This week will be all about
color ... and I will be posting fun color trivia and articles and resources. I have very little time to write today, so instead I invite you to take a look at
colourlovers.com .... this is a great place to play around and create your own color palettes to share and enjoy. Potential pet portrait clients should cruise the site to get color ideas for their artwork, and I hope all my fellow artists and design buddies will find a creative use for this fun color palette maker.
What a great idea. I can't wait to read more! I'm a photographer but did take art classes in my dim dark past. I really need a refresh on all of this. Thanks
hi rebecca!
welcome home! wow! i am so excited a week of color is my favorite thing!
hey rebecca, have you seen the pantone color dashboard widget? you totally need to download it!! you will LOVE it. I check mine every day. there is also a book. don't own it yet but I want it.
Ooh, that palette is SO Art Paw!!!!!!
Rebecca, have you used Kuler? It's a color-picking system similar to what I think colour lovers must be (though I will have to check it out to be sure). There is a kuler plug-in for photoshop - a palette picker -- but last time I tried it, it was clunky and did not really work the way it should to be truly useful. Oh well!! Still fun though. I'll check out the Colour lovers site. Thanks for the tip!!
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