Yesterday I posted links to a few of my favorite power bloggers. I define a power blogger as someone that posts interesting content frequently. Today I offer up a few ideas on becoming a power blogger. Please leave a comment and add to this list of ideas ... I am not an expert and I would love to hear from other bloggers on what is working for them.
6 tips to get you off the porch & running with the big blogs
#1 Loyalty to the routine
Embrace the posting discipline the way your dog embraces their daily dog walk. You need to find a way to view posting as a treat and not a chore.
#2 Chew on one bone
Find your passion and narrow your focus to that one subject. I think that is one thing I admire about Moira's blog. She may stray off topic on rare occasion, however for the most part she is on the subject of dog art today .... every day. So hmmm with that in mind I guess I am straying today .... "blogging on blogging".
#3 Bury a few bones in the backyard
Start some posts and save them as drafts. You never know when a big project is going to drain all of your time and having a post or two buried for later is a great idea.
#4 Fetch fetch fetch
Sniff out good content to share with your readers.
#5 Learn some new tricks
Use web tools like Google alerts to help you find fresh content on your area of interest. Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, blogs, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. You can also set up a Google homepage that will post those alerts right on your start page.
#6 Leave them begging for more
Tease your readers with cliff hangers and let them know what you will be posting on next. It might spark their interest, and even more important it will make you hold true to your word and write that post! Here it is 9:30 a.m. on a Saturday and this post is getting written before I am even out of my pajamas. That is because I mentioned this topic yesterday.
Bloggers ... Bark back! Please share your tips and ideas by leaving a comment.
Something that recently made my blogging life that much easier is Google Reader (sign up through your Google account). It's a page where you can organize all your favorite blogs in one place. There, you can see if the blogs are updated or not, so you don't waste time going to a blog if it doesn't have new content. It took a while to get used to, but now I'm addicted.
I also got a tip from you, which I'm going to steal very soon -- have a contest. I thought that was a great way to build interest and strengthen your community.
I'll keep you posted :)
I use google reader too .... I love it.
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