I went to the Apple store yesterday and bought a new toy! I have been playing around with i-movie this month and have been wanting to try voice-over on my movies. So I found this great plug& play usb Mic called "Snowball". Having this new toy is sort of like facing a blank canvas .... what to say, what to say? I experimented a wee bit yesterday and have posted a new promo clip with a tiny little bit of "BlaBla" voice over at the front. So check it out below and turn up your volume.
About the Movie:
I have been having a blast experimenting with short little clips and the girls have been playing around with it too. In fact I asked Allison to dig in and learn the basics of i-movie last week so I would not have to deal with the learning curve myself. She figured it out in an afternoon and then quickly helped me find my way around. As a digital artist I often see beginner Photoshop artists on the web make unfortunate choices and use filters in a "gimmicky" or trite manner. With that said I know a real video professional would probably roll their eyes at these early slide show attempts. I am sure we are making all of the beginner mistakes and doing all of the same boring gimmicks with our transitions, audio and effects. You have to start somewhere, and I am sure if we continue playing with video we will get better over time. The slide shows are fun and at some point we hope to start playing with real video footage too.
You can Click Here To see more of our video experiments on You Tube. Please post a comment if you like what you see and if you have an eye for video please feel free to give us a tough critique .... we have pretty thick skin and can take advice when it is constructive.
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