This blue eyed kitty art has been set up for digital painting. Allison set this portrait up for me on Wednesday. I still have a bit of work to do on Mr. Elliot and a few more projects in line ahead of this one. I look forward to playing with this sweet little Persian.
Allison is our resident cat person and her last day is today. She has been with us for 2 years now. This gal has taken over all the web work, she helps with painterly projects, and she even reluctantly learned to stretch canvas. She will be missed around here. She is moving to Chicago to pursue her dreams of being a full time web designer.
We have also hired a part time summer intern named Jamie. Jame is going to help us with canvas stretching, shipping and whatever else we can think to throw at him. He starts today.
I run a very small portrait studio and I always get very attached to my artists. Hiring young students brings a certain energy and vitality into a business and yet you know going into it that their time with you is going to be limited. I always hope that my artists learn a lot here and remember Art Paw fondly.
Good Luck Allison! Now Go Find Your Passion.
Wow I love this. Those blue eyes really pop.
Hi Rebecca!
I love hearing about your business and your staff. I love that you hire people and share your knowledge and then honor them when it is their time to spread their wings. You are a very generous soul.
What a great positive energy you have.
Spectacular portrait. Good luck to Allison upon her "graduation" from Art Paw and welcome Jamie.
Oh my gosh this painting is beautiful!! I think my favorite artpaw kitty ever.
So sorry to hear you are losing Allison. I have only had my assistant Christina for 3 months but now I can't imagine life without her. I'm sure the next young person to permanently join the artpaw team will bring their own vitality and creativity to the table!
Puggles was a lovely looking cat.Puggles the Chinchilla Persian came to us supposedly as a male cat, but when the vet told us HE was a SHE, we were pleasantly suprised. To start with she had a very grumpy disposition, but gradually she became more friendly. She would jump up onto any vacant lap and snuggle in for the evening, leaving great lumps of white fur behind.Puggles looks good here but as she got really old she stopped looking after herself and got a bit tatty.
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