Wow what a crazy busy week. Been meaning to post about a Fab blog award that Manon Doyle gave me earlier this week.
Here are the rules....
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post rules on your blog
3. Write five random things about yourself
4. Tag 5 random people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person know they've been tagged
Ok 5 random things about me:
1. I am a total computer nerd.
2. My first pet was named Juno ... a white kitty.
3. My first car was a 1972 cougar convertible.
4. I believe art is a way of life, and not just a thing you do.
5. I am a huge fan of Leonard Cohen.
I'd like to give this award to.....
Dog Art Today: because Moira keeps the freshest content happening over there.
Anne Leuck Feldhause: because she is super talented, her name is hard to spell and we keep trying to connect about an artist interview .
2 Dog studio: because she has some really great work on her blog right now.
sitstaysmile: because Jill is just the coolest. She is a great networker and a great photographer.
Kathy Weller: cause she just survived a blog merge...and she is really talented and all that stuff.
There are a lot of other super talented guys and gals out there that I could have listed, but I know some of you are too busy right now to play.
Ok, this weekend ... more doggy butts for me. You guys have fun, if it is not raining where you are get out to the park with your dogs!
Great stuff!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Thank you!
Will answer next week.
Oh, Thank you so much Rebecca! I see you live in Dallas! I used to live there!!! I need your email..we must talk!
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