I am home from vacation. The kitty above is Albus, and I know that my dogs must think I went all the way to North Carolina to cheat on them with some fluffy tabby. This sweet and friendly kitty lives outside the rustic Inn we stayed at. Whenever we gathered outside to sit and talk with family Albus would jump from lap to lap purring and drooling.

The barn shot above is from our last morning. Dan and I got up at like 6:00 a.m. to drive around the countryside shooting old barns and other stuff. It was a fun and special morning that we spent together.
I am ready to jump on things here at Art Paw tomorrow morning. A few new orders came in while I was on vacation. I will be e-mailing clients tomorrow with expected proofing dates. Even though I did have someone holding down the fort for me a few balls were dropped here at work and I will see what I can do to juggle those on Monday.
If you are a client waiting on a proof or an e-mail from me please be patient for 24 more hours and I will see what I can do to get in touch with you regarding your project.
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