Be sure and scroll down to see our free portrait offer at the end of this post.
#10 Frenchies

Offer TERMS:
#1 This offer is good only until midnight tonight (7/2/08) for the 1st 10 people to leave a comment on this blog. In your comment tell me if you have a Scott or an adorable mixed breed pup.
#2 YOU MUST BE ABLE TO UPLOAD A 1 MB file or larger. No you can not send photos by mail, and NO a 10k image from your cell phone will not work. Images that are too small will be rejected.
#3 You must have either a Scottie or a Mutt to qualify for this offer.
#4 Free portraits will take between 6 to 8 weeks to deliver.
#5 No custom proofing included on this offer, we just create the artwork and ship it to you.
#6 You must leave a comment so we know when we reach our limit! The comment text link is at the bottom of this post on the hand right side. It has the current number of comments and you just click on that, a window opens up, you type a few words to tell us about your dog. Even if it shows 10 comments go ahead and leave a comment as some folks will not be able to send an actual high resolution 1 MB image, trust me on that one.
Don't have a Scottie or a Mutt? Don't feel bad, we will have more free offers later this month.

Free Portrait Offer on Specific Dogs:
Two of my favorite types of dogs are missing from this list ... The Scottish Terrier and The good ol' American Mutt. If you have either of these types of dogs leave a comment and then upload a 1 mb photo ( or larger) and I will create a free 8 x 10 pet portrait for you. Offer TERMS:
#1 This offer is good only until midnight tonight (7/2/08) for the 1st 10 people to leave a comment on this blog. In your comment tell me if you have a Scott or an adorable mixed breed pup.
#2 YOU MUST BE ABLE TO UPLOAD A 1 MB file or larger. No you can not send photos by mail, and NO a 10k image from your cell phone will not work. Images that are too small will be rejected.
#3 You must have either a Scottie or a Mutt to qualify for this offer.
#4 Free portraits will take between 6 to 8 weeks to deliver.
#5 No custom proofing included on this offer, we just create the artwork and ship it to you.
#6 You must leave a comment so we know when we reach our limit! The comment text link is at the bottom of this post on the hand right side. It has the current number of comments and you just click on that, a window opens up, you type a few words to tell us about your dog. Even if it shows 10 comments go ahead and leave a comment as some folks will not be able to send an actual high resolution 1 MB image, trust me on that one.
Don't have a Scottie or a Mutt? Don't feel bad, we will have more free offers later this month.
You do lovely work and I have been following your blog for quite some time. I am excited about your portrait offer and I will be uploading my Scottie dog Angus later today.
Thank you so much.
I'm not sure how you are going to define a 'Mutt' but if it's simply a cross breed I'd like to submit a photo of a beagle cross Pug. Does that count? If so, I'll upload the file. Thanks, Mia
Mia - any mixed breed qualifies. ... YAY. If you have trouble with the upload page you can also e-mail the photo to us just needs to be 1MB or larger.
I really enjoyed your site and reading the blog. Your art is a good mix of whimsy and realism that really appeals to me. Our mutt pup Ruby is now a more mature young lady of 7 years. We know basically nothing about her background but from her physical and behavioural characteristics she seems to be a Black Lab and Retriever mix. I'll upload her photo later today. Thanks!
Darn, no doxies for this contest! We'll keep an eye out for the next one. Like your artwork, we blogged you waaaaay back in December:
Joey and Maggie....
Joey & Maggie-
I have had a slow response so far... where are my Scottie fans anyway? If I do not reach 10 today then I will take the first 5 comments submitted by noon on Thursday regardless of breed.
I have a certified mutt for you. Cooper is a cocker spaniel/terrier/poodle mix. Does that qualify as a mutt? I am uploading a picture now.
Sounds like a great Mutt to me. YAY Cooper! Be sure and try to upload a large resolution image that is at least 1 MB in size. I have already had images submitted today that are below that. Come on guys .... it is not that hard.
Read this page for tips on resolution:
We sent the link to some of our Scottie (and mutt) friends in Chicago. Hope they read their mail!
Olga is a mix/mutt/absolute darling. We gave her to each other for Christmas. She is truly perfect, and I'm so glad she waited for us at the shelter... for nearly 3 years. Astonishing. We're lucky to have her.
Christa Velbel
I don't think our camera is nice enough to take file that large. I am going to keep trying but the largest I've gotten is 640k thus far. I am going to try and play with the settings a bit.
Apologies if I'm double commenting, but not sure my last one got through.
I was late posting today at the Scottie News and missed this contest.
Super darn.
But it gives me an excuse for entering Bridget.
Okay - tried again with success. I love your work and this will be a lovely tribute to our little man.
Hey Rebecca,
Will it count if I dress Bear up in a Scottie suit and send a photo??? :) Cute promo idea by the way! Thanks for your ideas on Bear's book. I'll be sending you a copy next week signed by the golden boy himself (oh yeah, and me too!).
Ann you are entered!
Hi Lisa... surely you have a mutt somewhere in your extended pack:) I look forward to seeing Bear's book, and will be sure to promote it here.
Rachel- Do look into your settings most point & shoot digital cameras can take really high quality, you just can't fit as many on your card that way, and you may have to empty your card to get some high quality or larger shots on there
Woo hoo, hope you got them and THANK YOU for such a cool, COOL contest regardless if we get a pic or not! This somewhat salves the outrage we feel at ALMOST every Westminster, when the Scottie gets dissed in the terrier group for some smallish, fuzzy creature and the black lab gets passed over. And over. And get my drift. (Our Katrina lab and Ozzie react to the thrilling beagle victory this year.)
Again, thank you for sharing your incredible talents!
Our camera is very very old and only as a 3.1 mega pixel option. I am just going to borrow my neighbors camera in a couple hours. Picture will be uploaded by 8pm pacific time. :D
See what happens when you're away from the computer for a day?
I adore your art! You rrreeeaally catch the essential dogitude of your subjects.
Sucessfully uploaded thanks to our friendly neighbor Erik and his Digital SLR camera.
I've been looking through your art and they are beautiful. I especially love the one entitled Bella . I am going to pass this on to my mother who wants to get some portraits of her german shepherds done.
I think you've already reached your 10, but I have to give it a try anyways. Cambria's picture is now uploading (a mighty 7.6 MB). She is a 3-year-old Scottish Terrier & is one of the best things to ever happen to me. Here's hoping we can get a portrait!
Wow this is great guys! A lot of you have uploaded ... YaY!
I will post all of the winner's photos tomorrow by noon. We may fudge and do an extra winner or two.
Thanks so much for playing everyone!
Rebecca, I think I uploaded a picture yesterday that was too small (I thought it was much larger). I just uploaded another one that I know is of a higher quality. I'm crossing my fingers that Cambria will be lucky enough to have a portrait made.
Both Pippi and Willa are Scotties and know how hard it is. We get called Westies all the time.
I was away from my computer for a day and missed your deadline....darn! I hope you will do this again sometime because my little scottie, Pippen, would love to have his portrait done!! We live in the Dallas area. Do you ever do anything locally? Pippen and I LOVE your work!! Happy Thursday!
Hi, Rebecca. Got your email and am reposting my comments. I thought I posted them last night but don't see them. I uploaded several photos of my Scottie, Murphy, to choose from.
Would love to have our guy Artie included. I sent you an Artie-Clad-in-Doggles, photo as requested.
Michael (and Laura)
"Sunny D(uncan)" was taken when our Scottie-man was lazing in the late fall sun. I love getting a great shot of a black dog's eyes. Reading through your blog and drinking in your pieces on Etsy I love the attention you give to expression and eye-light. It's where life lives in art. Thank you. Wanda
This is to Rachel and anyone else concerned with 3.1 megapixel cameras not being able to deliver work with the resolution Rebecca required.
I have a 3.1 megapixel camera and have had work reproduced up to 16" X 20" from photos I've taken with this camera. It's a matter of setting the resolution higher in your menu setting and/or playing with it in your computer photo program.
Though they're not pet photos - fortunately Rebecca doesn't discriminate in her friendships - I have no pets - you might enjoy them. See for ezine and archives link at the end for a wide range of photos and writing. Thanks.
Wow! That is a super generous giveaway!!
I have two "Good Ol' American Mutt" -style Pugs! Just kidding. Not a drop of mutt in there at all.
Just thought I'd (try and...) make you laugh!
Have a great time workin'!!!
I have both an American Mutt and three Scottish Terriers, all second-hand dogs that came through rescue situations. I think they're gorgeous and all worthy of special treatment, but I'll leave that up to you.
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