Last Friday I started blogging about twitter for artists. Today I want to talk about customizing your background image for twitter if you happen to be a twitter user. The video above is a tour and discussion of creative backgrounds on twitter. I shortened it as much as I could and a few of my favorite grounds got edited out so I will include them here in this post.
This screen shot below is of Claudine Hellmuth's twitter profile. She has taken the professional approach of using the background stripe from her website as her background image on twitter This a great technique for reinforcing your brand and creating recognition between your various web out-posts.

Below we have "sparklepaw's" profile. This twitter user created a fun web badge that highlights items on the left from their Etsy shop. I have seen several twitter users take this very direct approach to promoting their Etsy shops. I like it and in fact I have purchased from twitters users that do this.

If showing off items for sell seems too bold for your on-line presence then check out the screen shot below where "artmind" has taken one large image and placed it at the left. I love this background image because no matter how you resize your browser it still looks good.

Next week I will post a simple tutorial on customizing your twitter page and include some helpful resource links for folks that may not have access to image editing software.
hi rebecca!
what a fabulous post! i love your tutorials and they are always on such interesting and relevant topics.
i cannot wait until next week!
:) melissa
Thanks for sharing this info Rebecca - I still have not customized my twitter page yet...I'll look forward to your tutorial! -Anne
thanks for the praise gals. I hope the tutorial turns out ok.
I really enjoyed this weeks Twitter vlog!
Hi Rebecca - this post is terrific! thank you for doing it. I am still trying to figure out Twitter, too.
Two things that have helped are automating my blog posts so they go directly to my Twitter feed. And reading the blog TwiTip by Darren Rowse of ProBlogger fame. Check it out here...
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