"Josie and Taz the kitty"
This client was just a lot of fun. She was into artistic crops and she was very easy to work with. She says they love the prints and they make her and her husband giggle because Josie is looking so sweet and Taz, well the kitty is a wee bit intense with those large demanding eyes. Hanging side by side the contrast between the easy going pup and the more intense kitty is rather amusing. I think her exact words were "kitty from hell" or something of that nature. Anyway, thanks again Sarah and thanks for sending us the at home pic.
I love it!!! Send me a clone of that ideal client. I love it when they let you do what you want and/or experiment. Look at me, talking like I do a ton of commissions. I talk from experience doing a bunch of free stuff. HUGS!
hey thanks for stopping by. This client thought she was difficult as she needed revisions, she was really an angel though as she was willing to wait until after the holiday rush for her design changes. Too often people want color changes and they want the changes to happen yesterday. I enjoy tweaking things for people when they are as patient and kind as Taz's Mom.
Sheila if you are just getting your biz off the ground enjoy this time of growth and experimentation. Have patience, it will grow if you keep at it.
They look very striking together - beautiful job, Rebecca!
My nephew is so special. The pic is perfect of him. Totally captured his personality.
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